FIAMM Energy Technology and smart working: quite a successful experience
The fact that the current year is an exceptional one is in front of everyone’s eyes. For FIAMM Energy Technology, perhaps even more so. First – and we were at the beginning of 2020 – the announcement of the acquisition of Hitachi Chemical by another Japanese group, Showa Denko K.K., which is now holding the majority […]

The fact that the current year is an exceptional one is in front of everyone’s eyes. For FIAMM Energy Technology, perhaps even more so. First – and we were at the beginning of 2020 – the announcement of the acquisition of Hitachi Chemical by another Japanese group, Showa Denko K.K., which is now holding the majority of the Vicenza-based company. Then, the Covid-19 outbreak, which forced the manufacturer of batteries and accumulators for motor vehicles and for industrial use, to run for cover (like many other companies, indeed), thus deeply changing its organization.

Anti-contagion measures taken in advance
The headquarters in Montecchio Maggiore and the production plants with staff who could work from home were immediately activated in the first days of emergency, anticipating in some cases the anti-contagion measures subsequently issued by the government.
FIAMM Energy Technology, even before the lockdown, maximized the remote working mode and in a couple of weeks made it possible, even for workers who were not equipped with laptops and mobile phones, to work from home. The headquarters were closed almost completely and for the entire period of the emergency – according to the company statement – messages of encouragement were sent to all company staff by the CEO, Owa Fujio.
FIAMM Energy Technology staff and smart working
FIAMM Energy Technology has then been monitoring the satisfaction of its workers. More than 90 percent of the interviewees replied that they had received both hardware and software tools to be able to carry out the work correctly and profitably. More than 80 percent of people believe that this experience of encouraging home office activity has made it possible to manage work and private life satisfactorily.
Respondents also admitted to interacting remotely on a daily basis with colleagues (88 per cent) and their supervisor (62 per cent). As many as 97 per cent said that they receive support from colleagues in case of need.