John Deere extends the Refunded Fuel Program to field applications

John Deere has announced that the Refunded Fuel Program is now applied to both field work and road work. Owners of John Deere 6R, 7R and 8R 6-cylinder engines will be able to participate in the extended program, which rewards customers for maximum fuel efficiency.

The Refunded Fuel Program was introduced for the first time two years ago for the 7310R tractor. Since then, John Deere has demonstrated the road efficiency of the full range of six-cylinder tractors, from the 6R to the 8R. Based on this success, the company has now decided to extend the formula to field applications.

refunded fuel program

How does it work?

By using the program, the member customers and their local dealer will record the actual fuel consumption of the tractor at the end of a one-year period of use and compare it to the target fuel consumption. This value depends on the average engine load and varies according to light or heavy use. In addition, each model of tractor also has its own specific target of fuel.


If the tractor’s consumption has been higher than the target, John Deere will refund the difference to the customer. If the tractor has consumed less, the owners of the most efficient machines will be rewarded with the recognition of twice the price per liter for each liter of gas oil saved. The total value of the refund / premium depends on the price of the local fuel.

The new fuel guarantee program applies to all new suitable tractor models ordered after 1 November 2018. As an added benefit to customers, John Deere also offers an exclusive tractor optimization program. Experience has shown that more experienced operators are able to reduce fuel consumption by up to 20%.

A view of John Deere 6.8 liters engine at SIMA Paris.


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