In order to further support stabilization of the Swedish power grid, Björneborg is investing in a battery park from BatteryLoop. The investment also enables Björneborg to shave power peaks as well as having a back-up solution for shorter disturbances in the power supply. BatteryLoop is using the BLESS III-technology which re-uses batteries from electric vehicles. As such Björneborg is strengthening the circularity of its operation and the Greenforge concept with fossil free production.

We have investigated different alternatives but concluded that BatteryLoops’ concept was the absolute best solution for Björneborg. With this solution we can support the grid stability as well as avoid the worst peaks of electricity prices and get a more predictable energy cost. By reusing electric car batteries, we are also strengthening our sustainability concept and continues our journey towards continuous fossil free and climate neutral production in 2026 onwards,” says CEO Håkan Dedorsson, Björneborg.

It is stimulating to work with a company like Björneborg Steel, which leads the development of a sustainable forging industry with entrepreneurial spirit and drive. Their focus on circularity and quality makes the collaboration extra rewarding. We are happy to be able to contribute to further strengthening Björneborg Steel’s sustainability. This installation shows the benefit our energy storage systems can make in an industry. Our system, including digital services, will both create benefits locally for Björneborg Steel as well as positive effects nationally with frequency ancillary services,” says Rasmus Bergström, CEO at BatteryLoop.


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