L-Charge is a Russian manufacturer of innovative charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. The company has lately introduced its rapid mobile L-Charge charging station for electric vehicles and launched its test operation in Moscow. As you can see from the picture above, the mobile charging station is indeed a truck which can travel around the city, charging electrical vehicles upon demand. The truck be summoned via a Telegram bot and is currently available within the Moscow Ring Road.

According to the official statements, the Russian company does not plan to restrict itself to the Russian capital and other Russian cities: it is already exploring the possibility of launching the charging service in the United States and a number of European cities. Among the first targets on a global scale are cities like Paris, Berlin, New York, Amsterdam and London.

L-Charge: mobile or stationary charging stations

The company’s innovative solution and business model have already attracted interest from investors, with over 1.5 million dollars raised already. The funds have come from private investors attracted by the ability to charge an electric vehicle with sufficient power for 100 km in just 3-8 minutes using a hydrogen or gas-fueled electrical generator.

Specializing in several types of charging solutions, L-Charge charging station can be also stationary. The latter can be installed in any location, such as, for instance, by highways and traditional petrol stations, in car parks etc. L-Charge’s charging stations are mini power stations capable of generating and storing energy and charging electric cars with no need for a grid connection. The power is generated from compressed natural gas or hydrogen.


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