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MAN LGP engine at the servise of Chinese VLGC

MAN’s LGP-Fuelled ME-LGIP will power Jiangnan Shipyard’s VLGC Jiangnan Shipyard, owned by China State Shipbuilding Corp (CSSC), ordered an LPG-burning MAN B&W 6G60ME-LGIP engine in connection with the building of an 86,000-m3 VLGC (Very Large Gas Carrier) for Tianjin Southwest Mariti...


6G60ME-C9.5-LGIP LPG-propelled

MAN LGP engine at the servise of Chinese VLGC

MAN’s LGP-Fuelled ME-LGIP will power Jiangnan Shipyard’s VLGC Jiangnan Shipyard, owned by China State Shipbuilding Corp (CSSC), ordered an LPG-burning MAN B&W 6G60ME-LGIP engine in connection with the building of an 86,000-m3 VLGC (Very Large Gas Carrier) for Tianjin Southwest Mariti...