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Eima 2018. Andrea Serra unveils the news from Oerlikon

Welcome to Eima 2018. What are the news from Oerlikon? Compared to Agritechnica, the core of Oerlikon news, presented at Hannover, it’s the same. The structure of the Css didn’t change, but what evolved in the meanwhile is its application, with the cooperation of a pilot customer, that&#...


Andrea Serra

Eima 2018. Andrea Serra unveils the news from Oerlikon

Welcome to Eima 2018. What are the news from Oerlikon? Compared to Agritechnica, the core of Oerlikon news, presented at Hannover, it’s the same. The structure of the Css didn’t change, but what evolved in the meanwhile is its application, with the cooperation of a pilot customer, that&#...