PUNCH Torino continues to invest in innovation and proves its belief in the potential of hydrogen. The announcement of the creation of PUNCH Hydrocells closely follows the establishment of the H2-ICE network aimed at promoting the use of hydrogen for traction of buses in public transport. And, as CEO Pierpaolo Antonioli told us during the Genoa Boat Show, the parallel development of internal combustion engines and hydrogen-related technologies is the key to a really sustainable strategy that looks to the future.

PUNCH Hydrocells

PUNCH Hydrocells, from artificial intelligence to renewable energies

But what is the newborn PUNCH Hydrocells? A business, based in Turin, which «will be targeting the development, supply and integration of hydrogen-based propulsion and energy storage systems. PUNCH Hydrocells will have a team with a wide range of skills, ranging from artificial intelligence to control electronics, mechanical and electrical engineering, with particular attention to the use of renewable energy». Words written by PUNCH Torino, an emanation of the Belgian PUNCH Group, which about a year ago decided to invest in General Motors’ center of excellence in Turin.

An investment worth (so far) more than 2 million euro

Back to the PUNCH Hydrocells project, the allocation initially announced will be more than two million euros and will be used to convert two engine test benches, currently in force at the engineering center, into as many test benches dedicated to the development of hydrogen-related technologies.

«The creation of PUNCH Hydrocells represents one of the first steps that will allow the group to expand its business in one of the most promising sectors of the energy transition, at the same time it will also be one of the complementary elements to an industrial development in which PUNCH believes in and will see further strengthening and diversifications in the future», commented Pierpaolo Antonioli, CEO of PUNCH Torino.

Punch Torino
CEO Pierpaolo Antonioli


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