Web event: ‘Biomethane and Smart grids: the Eco-CHP’. The full line-up
On July 15 at 4pm CEST, we'll be talking about power generation, focusing our attention on the ways to achieve a more sustainable energy production. The full line up of speakers from Cogen Europe, REN21, Himoinsa, 2G and Caterpillar.

Renewable energy sources will write the future. And who is the writer of the current energy chapters? And how far into the future will renewable energy be? Smart grid is a technical ecosystem that reconciles functional compromise with a significant reduction in fossil fuel consumption.
What if the ICE is powered by biogas or even biomethane? It would be the most advanced kind of CHP at the moment, as well as the most sustainable and available energy plant. We’ll talk about this with some primary speakers:
Alexandra Tudoroiu-Lakavice – Head of Policy at Cogen Europe
Miguel Angel Ruiz – Global Head of Engineering and Development at HIMOINSA
Andre Banken – Head of International Business Development at 2G Energy International
Thomas W. Smith – North America Gas Segment Manager at Caterpillar, Electric Power Division
Rana Adib – Executive Director at REN21 (video footage)