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Cummins’ words on the HSK78G series at MEE Dubai 2019

Norbert Nusterer, Vice President Cummins and President of the Power Systems business, announced a complete new gas generator series at MEE Show in Dubai, the HSK78G series, which is delivering power from 1.6 to 2.0 MW from a 78 liters engine fulfilling a gap in the Cummins gas product portfolio. Its...


Angela Papageorgiou

Cummins’ words on the HSK78G series at MEE Dubai 2019

Norbert Nusterer, Vice President Cummins and President of the Power Systems business, announced a complete new gas generator series at MEE Show in Dubai, the HSK78G series, which is delivering power from 1.6 to 2.0 MW from a 78 liters engine fulfilling a gap in the Cummins gas product portfolio. Its...