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QS Seamaster: world premiere in Australia

QS Seamaster will introduce a brand-new thruster model at the forthcoming Sanctuary Cove International Boat Show, in Australia. The QS 30-110 for the first time on show integrates the current range of QS thrusters and meet the requirements of boats ranging from 5 to 8 m.

ZF green propulsion for ferries

ZF environmentally friendly propulsion is serving ferries all over the world Ferries typically provide an efficient way to transport people, vehicles and cargo, this is why ZF decided to focus its propulsion technology on them. As cities grow, worldwide tourism increases and new emission laws come i...



QS Seamaster: world premiere in Australia

QS Seamaster will introduce a brand-new thruster model at the forthcoming Sanctuary Cove International Boat Show, in Australia. The QS 30-110 for the first time on show integrates the current range of QS thrusters and meet the requirements of boats ranging from 5 to 8 m.

ZF green propulsion for ferries

ZF environmentally friendly propulsion is serving ferries all over the world Ferries typically provide an efficient way to transport people, vehicles and cargo, this is why ZF decided to focus its propulsion technology on them. As cities grow, worldwide tourism increases and new emission laws come i...