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Sweco to build Helsinki’s first green hydrogen production plant

Finnish energy company Helen has selected Sweco as EPCM partner in the implementation of its first production plant for green hydrogen. Production of hydrogen is set to start in 2026, with the aim of supplying the heavy-duty transport sector. The excess heat from production will be utilised in Helen...



Himoinsa in Ethiopia

Himoinsa in Ethiopia. How many times have we traveled around the world with PG’s Spanish experts? For example in Norway, Algeria, Ecuador and the UK. Now it’s time to go to the Horn of Africa. They say, those of Himoinsa: Himoinsa in Ethiopia: INSA headquarter The generator sets, located...

Cummins natural gas generator to power olive oil plant in Spain

Cummins has installed its QSK60G natural gas generator in the TROIL Vegas Altas S.C. olive oil sludge treatment plant in Valdetorres, Spain, ensuring that the new expanded plant can operate reliably 24/7. TROIL Vegas is a cooperative dedicated to the transformation of olive oil mill by-products, whi...

Kohler: a century of power. Our interview with the management

For Kohler, it’s a century of power. A name (power) that can be used in both senses of the English language. Kohler Power Systems, SDMO, Clarke Energy. Once upon the time when the manufacturer of the engine block manufacturer was missing. Now there is one, thanks to Kohler Engines of Reggio Emilia. ...

Raywin in Europe. Together with Multipower and Bimotor

Raywin in Europe gets real. After displaying the products in some European exhibitions, like BAUMA Munich and EIMA International Bologna, in order to penetrate a saturated market like the European one, the Chinese have understood that they have to oversee the different areas. For Italy they have cho...

Himoinsa and extreme climates. Let’s see what happens in Norway

Himoinsa provides us with a vademecum on the adaptation of gensets to the extreme climates. The incipit contains the reference to Darwinism. «It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change», stated the Brit...

2G: what a beautiful head!

2G echoes in the ears of many of you, at least those involved in the generation and cogeneration, for names like Avus and Agenitor. We regularly meet them at Ecomondo – Key Energy. 2G has gone beyond assembly and selling, promoting a new head, specifically designed for cogeneration engines, an...

A closer look to Baudouin new gas engines (Part I)

Baudouin new gas engines. The French company approaching the gas engine market is quite a big news. We couldn’t talk to them at MEE, due to the coronavirus outbreak that did not allow the company to take part in the exhibition (here’s a previous post about the engines). However, we had the opportuni...
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