Cummins Care comes from the States to improve European customers support

As part of Cummins’ drive to improve support for customers, dealers, distributors and OEMs, a new Cummins Care support group is now available also for Europe. This kind of service registered quite the approval in the United States and helped Cummins to implement better relationships with its customers. For this reason they are now “exporting” the idea overseas to enhance their European network. Now, Cummins, is also looking to go further and expand this process globally.

cummins care

Cummins Care support is available to all customers and service providers of Cummins products, including original equipment manufacturers, dealers and distributors. Cummins Care Europe is also integrated with the Cummins global customer care team and has the capability to link and utilise expertise and systems giving a 24/7 all-year-available support capability for all Cummins market products.

What does C.A.R.E. stand for?

C: Caring. The aim is to provide faster, personal attention to Cummins’ customers with rapid results for them.

A: Accurate. Thanks to the experience of Cummins experts with specialised skill sets, and in-depth knowledge.

R: Responsive. The focus is to resolve and answer questions as quickly as possible.

E: Easy. A streamlined customer experience with easy contact by phone, website or email for all support needs.


When to use Cummins Care

To locate a Cummins service location. To identify engine and generator specifications or information. Resolve an issue or question with Quickserve Online (QSOL). For issues or questions with Insitetm or Inlinetm or other electronic tools. When there is no possibility to gain an answer from the Cummins dealer or distributor. When there is no availability to find or identify the required engine or generator part. Also for qualified Cummins technician who needs to escalate a hard to diagnose engine or generator issue.


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