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EU investing to increase EV alternative fuel infrastructure

According to, the European Union (EU) is investing €1.5 billion to build a network of alternative fuel infrastructure. This investment is part of the Fit 55 Package, a major initiative to accelerate the transition toward clean transportation. The investment will be used to insta...

Global chemical sector: an in-depth analysis (Part I)

Here and in the following weeks we publish an in-depth analysis of the global chemical sector, written by Joseph Chang, Global Editor, ICIS Chemical Business. We think it’s a very interesting contribution, in an era featured by the coronavirus outbreak as well as a significant fall of oil prices. &n...

Hydrogen market discussion at Politecnico di Milano

Hydrogen market is getting more and more attention During the event dedicated to the hydrogen market and fuell cells held at Politecnico of Milan, experts of the sector shared their opinions on the current situation and future of the hydrogen in Italy and Europe. The event was realized thanks to the...

Tech Day 2018 by Fpt Industrial

Tech Day 2018. The EU is part of the game Tech Day 2018 has replied the brilliant event which introduced last year the Cursor 13 NG. Cursor 13 and gas engines are still under the spotlight at the CNH Village, on Friday November 23th, looked ahed. More and more ahed… Three goals in front of [&h...


European union

EU investing to increase EV alternative fuel infrastructure

According to, the European Union (EU) is investing €1.5 billion to build a network of alternative fuel infrastructure. This investment is part of the Fit 55 Package, a major initiative to accelerate the transition toward clean transportation. The investment will be used to insta...

Global chemical sector: an in-depth analysis (Part I)

Here and in the following weeks we publish an in-depth analysis of the global chemical sector, written by Joseph Chang, Global Editor, ICIS Chemical Business. We think it’s a very interesting contribution, in an era featured by the coronavirus outbreak as well as a significant fall of oil prices. &n...

Hydrogen market discussion at Politecnico di Milano

Hydrogen market is getting more and more attention During the event dedicated to the hydrogen market and fuell cells held at Politecnico of Milan, experts of the sector shared their opinions on the current situation and future of the hydrogen in Italy and Europe. The event was realized thanks to the...

Tech Day 2018 by Fpt Industrial

Tech Day 2018. The EU is part of the game Tech Day 2018 has replied the brilliant event which introduced last year the Cursor 13 NG. Cursor 13 and gas engines are still under the spotlight at the CNH Village, on Friday November 23th, looked ahed. More and more ahed… Three goals in front of [&h...