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How much do the new diesel engines pollute?

Two different studies on the pollution levels of new diesel engines reveal quite disputable results. The issue is quite a hot one in the news currently, given the traffic restrisctions imposed in some large cities. Let’s start with the news that dampens the enthusiasm of the defenders of diese...

China cuts subsidies, city ebus market decreases

Below, a contribution from Interact Analysis, a market research firm focused on intelligent automation, with a specific department for truck, bus and off-highway electrification in China. Interact Analysis recently wrote about the following topic: “New Chinese Subsidy Policy Results in 130,000...



How much do the new diesel engines pollute?

Two different studies on the pollution levels of new diesel engines reveal quite disputable results. The issue is quite a hot one in the news currently, given the traffic restrisctions imposed in some large cities. Let’s start with the news that dampens the enthusiasm of the defenders of diese...

China cuts subsidies, city ebus market decreases

Below, a contribution from Interact Analysis, a market research firm focused on intelligent automation, with a specific department for truck, bus and off-highway electrification in China. Interact Analysis recently wrote about the following topic: “New Chinese Subsidy Policy Results in 130,000...