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sHYpS, scalable solution

The sHYps project features the onboard installation of two liquid hydrogen containers alongside the entire range of ancillary systems needed to power a ship as it navigates through the Norwegian fjords. Navalprogetti is in charge of all the project management activities. Read the full article in the...

FPT and the present

Fpt Industrial and the present. Looking at the future   FPT and the present, in these times, still means two things: investment in efficiency and music. Yes, because music is one of the tools that help us to resist the restrictive measures due to COVID-19. And let’s start with music, from...



sHYpS, scalable solution

The sHYps project features the onboard installation of two liquid hydrogen containers alongside the entire range of ancillary systems needed to power a ship as it navigates through the Norwegian fjords. Navalprogetti is in charge of all the project management activities. Read the full article in the...

FPT and the present

Fpt Industrial and the present. Looking at the future   FPT and the present, in these times, still means two things: investment in efficiency and music. Yes, because music is one of the tools that help us to resist the restrictive measures due to COVID-19. And let’s start with music, from...

Ricardo and YTO: ready to work together on diesel

Ricardo will develop Diesel engines for YTO Group Ricardo and YTO machinery. The YTO Group – the largest Chinese manufacturer of agricultural machinery – and Ricardo – one of the world’s most important engineering companies – will collaborate of a new serie of Diesel engines ...

HDgas. In Turin the final event

HDgas, in Turin, the curtain falls on the experience that over the last three years has radiographed the state of the art and the prospects of LNG. The full title of the project is ‘Heavy duty gas engines integrated into vehicles‘. HDGas. Iveco, Man, Volvo Technical evidence of liquefied...