The portfolio of MAN Energy Solutions two-stroke, dual-fuel engines has accumulated one million operating hours. Here is one of our recent posts about a dual-fuel ongoing project in the Baltic Sea.

The milestone comes on the back of the 300 engines/6.3 GW sales the company recently announced for the segment, all running on clean fuels such as LNG, LPG, ethane and methanol.

MAN Energy Solutions’ ME-GI (Gas Injection) and ME-LGI (Liquid Gas Injection) engines form the core of its two-stroke, dual-fuel portfolio and have notched many notable industry-firsts since their market introduction, including the very first oceangoing ships operating respectively on LNG, methanol, ethane and LPG.

MAN ES dual-fuel engines
View of an MAN B&W 11G90ME-GI engine during a shop test

The long-lasting focus on dual-fuel engines

«Our plan is very much to continue this dual-fuel focus. To this end, we recently released a Mk II ME-GI model and are currently, owing to market demand, developing an Otto-cycle variant – the ME-GA. With references in every major, marine segment, our dual-fuel portfolio can rightly be consid

ered as mature technology. Our dual-fuel engines continue to act as standard bearers for environmentally friendly, reliable propulsion technology with their seamless switching between fuels and elimination of methane slip», said Bjarne Foldager – Senior Vice President, Head of Two-Stroke Business at MAN Energy Solutions.


MAN Cryo develops liquefied methane in Sweden

Another interesting MAN ES project deals with methane infrastructure. OxGas, a company fully owned by the Port of Oxelösund in Sweden, has commissioned MAN Energy Solutions to act as ‘owners engineer’ in the development and construction of a multi-functional terminal for liquefied methane-based fuels in the port of Oxelösund.

The terminal will be designed to feed both liquefied natural gas (LNG) and green methane derived from bio gas to SSAB ’s steel production in Oxelösund, and to re-distribute it via train and trailers to other parts of Sweden.

MAN ES dual-fuel engines
The port of Oxelösund, Sweden


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