Boot Show and Innotrans. What connects these events? The fact that they are leaders in their fields and take place in Germany. Marine exhibitions want to withstand the impact force of the Covid-19. If the Hamburg SMM has been postponed, Cannes and Genoa have not. And the Boot Show doesn’t back down.

Boot Show and Innotrans
Boot Show Düsseldorf. One way, moving to the Exhibition

Boot Show and Innotrans. We start from Düsseldorf

Boot Show Director Petros Michelidakis said: «We are aware that the water sports industry is in a difficult position at the moment. I am, however, very confident that this situation can be overcome just as positively as the crisis in the years 2008/2009, with the help of the boot Düsseldorf business platform. Manufacturers managed to make an economic success of their business operations again back then too. They have continued to develop positively in recent years, thanks in part to boot, which has opened up new sales markets for its exhibitors. It is our conviction that the chartering segment has particularly strong growth potential in the coming years, as it represents an extremely individual, low-contact form of holidaymaking that promises maximum fun into the bargain».

Boot Show and Innotrans
Messe Berlin

And now we move to Berlin

And what happens on the tracks? Kerstin Schulz, the director of InnoTrans, explains it to us: «All in all we are delighted that the majority of exhibitors welcome the move to April 2021 and that they can make use of this traditional marketing platform for a restart after the coronavirus. It was clear from the outset that due to the coronavirus crisis and its impact some companies within the industry would be unable to take part in April 2021. That is a great pity for those concerned and we are offering support wherever we can. That said, we are all the more delighted that current bookings have reached InnoTrans 2018 levels. It shows the industry is united and working at full speed to be at InnoTrans next April. The overall excess demand from earlier this year has been reduced, however we will still be occupying the entire Berlin Exhibition Grounds. We are particularly looking forward to InnoTrans being at hub27 for the first time».



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