Deutz TCD 2.9 HP
Deutz introduces to the off-highway market the HP (High Power) version of the TCD2.9 and the TCD5.2

Deutz has announced the 2.9 HP, which stands for High Power. This is the third version of the 2.9-litre Diesel of the year 2010, following the basic version and the HT, High Torque version. The location was Eima International, in Bologna.
The 2.9 liters engine DOTY 2010 in HP ‘mood’
Deutz’s position within the agricultural chessboard is pivotal, with a hegemonic presence among telescopic handlers and a strong foothold also among specialist and mid-range tractors up to 120 kilowatts. Having missed the 2019 edition of Agritechnica this was its first major appearance on the agricultural stage in the last three years.
Finally, TCD5.2
Building on the positioning of the TCD3.6, Cologne dropped not one, but two axles: the 5.2-litre, available from 130 to 170 kilowatts, and the 2.9-litre High Power version, capable of 75 kilowatts. The enhancement of the Diesel engine line-up confirms Deutz’s determination to invest in ICE, especially for certain applications. As Frank Hiller, CEO of Deutz, reminds us: “We are at the vanguard of a greener transport sector. Deutz believes that e-fuels provide a sensible alternative, alongside electric drives and hydrogen engines, that will help to achieve the Paris climate targets. For exactly this reason, we commit ourselves to play an active role in the eFuel Alliance,”
eFuel Alliance
According to Cologne, in August 2021, Deutz approved its entire diesel engine portfolio for use with paraffinic fuels such as e-fuels. This means that alternative fuels can now also be used to run Deutz engines that meet the EU Stage V emissions standard. At the same time, Deutz has approved the majority of its latest-generation engines, particularly in the sub-4 liter and above-8 liter range, for biodiesel blends of up to 30 percent. The use of these alternative fuels significantly reduces the carbon footprint of Deutz’s engines and raises the prospect of running engines on a carbon-neutral basis in the future.