The fight between Sima and Eima is still going on and the Cema seems to look the other way

The dispute between Axema and FederUnacoma (Sima and Eima organizers) after the frontal attack by the French to steal the autumn ‘spot’ from the Eima in Bologna (Italy) is still a long way from reaching an acceptable epilogue for the association of Italian manufacturers.

Everyone knows what is the story behind it. The organizers of the Sima, the Parisian agricultural mechanization show, have suddenly changed the calendar of the event resulting in an overlap with the Eima in Bologna. Moreover, this happened not long after a declaration that the Sima would have maintained its ‘regular temporal positioning’, which was in February during odd years.

Sima and Eima: Cema remains in the shadows

FederUnacoma obviously disagrees with the current state of things and does not intend to pretend nothing has happened while facing such a declaration of war. It is, for sure, a counterproductive situation in a sector that should instead promote collaboration between the associations of the various countries at the European level (Germany, France and Italy are the three most important markets). The common aim should be to generate a common interest in pushing the businesses of its members and protect them from non-European competitors.

This is why FederUnacoma has decided to call on Cema, the European body that brings together the member state federations and therefore the natural point of reference to protect and unite the interests of the various companies in the sector. But the answer was far from encouraging. To summarize: the Cema has decided to look the other way, letting the contenders to solve the problem on their own.

sima and eima

The words of the Cema

Jéröme Bandry, general secretary of Cema, said: «We represent the interests of over 4,500 manufacturing companies between large multinationals and SMEs that produce more than 450 different types of machines. Our role is to share know-how and standardize EU legislation, we do not own and we do not organize fairs and we do not collect proceeds from events. The programming and the timing of the major European trade fairs in the sector have been discussed on several occasions, both within the board and at the general assembly, without ever leading to official Cema recommendations. We, therefore, take note of the announcements madea and we regret that the organizers of the respective fair events have not been able to find an agreement for the superior good of the industry».

In other words: the business is yours, it is your task to make things right. We’ll see what happens from now until June 3, when there will be the Cema board meeting in Germany. In that occasion, the whole situation will obviously be re-discussed. In the meantime, a letter was sent by FederUnacoma to the Italian Minister of Economic Development Luigi Di Maio and Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte asking for an urgent meeting to discuss the issue.



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