We left Generazione Distribuita at the Ecomondo – Key Energy conference in Rimini, we met it again at the Gala evening in the town of Vicenza, and we will close the circle in March, again in Rimini.

The Generazione Distribuita Grand Gala was ‘at home’ at the Palladio

But let us proceed in order. We were talking about the gala evening, which was held in Veneto, in the North Mets of Italy, in Vicenza to be precise. A choice absolutely in line with the Veneto’s component traction, especially when it comes to alternators. In fact, not only GD Vice President Mario Carraro’s MeccAlte is located in these parts; Marelli and Linz Electric also have their headquarters nearby. When we talk in stereotypical terms of ‘beautiful setting’, ‘iconic’ and ‘breathtaking scenery’, we are referring to settings such as Villa Valmarana ai Nani. Here, the hand of Giandomenico and that of Giambattista Tiepolo, the greatest painter of 18th century Venice, shine through the frescoes. Divided into three sections, the Palazzina (dating from 1669), the Foresteria and the Scuderia (from 1720) are surrounded by rose gardens and an Italian-style garden. The 17 stone dwarfs mark the perimeter and give meaning to the name.

GD Awards: prizes and winners

The GD AWARDS are the awards that Generazione Distribuita gives to personalities who have impressed their mark in the categories of entrepreneurial and managerial merit, work merit, and divulgation merit. And there is no prize without a jury, and no jury without a president. The task was taken on by a name that needs no introduction: Giorgio Paris. Now nearing the end of his 25-year assignment at Volvo Penta, at the head of the industrial division, he has joined the board of Bruno Generators. Among the award winners were Raffaele Brugnettini, Green Power Systems CEO, and, on a slightly narcissistic note, Fabio Butturi, editor in chief of POWERTRAIN magazine and diesel-international.com, for the journalistic achievement.

Next stop, Rimini Exhibition Centre. In March

The presence of an Italian Exhibition Group delegation depends on the joint announcement made with Generazione Distribuita. The gauntlet to the Dubai MEE is thrown down. The Italian power generation event will be held at the Rimini Exhibition Centre in March 2023. Throwing one’s heart over the hurdle to create a system in such a critical economic phase and establish solid foundations for an event that will reach beyond the Alps and the Strait of Sicily. The Mediterranean basin, the Balkans and the Maghreb are a natural pole of attraction for this sector and this geographical location. We saw an appetizer in 2019, in conjunction with Key Energy, at Distributed Power Europe.

Generazione Distribuita
Villa Valmarana ai Nani, in Vicenza, Italy, frescoed by Giambattista and Giandomenico Tiepolo

We conclude with the words of Marco Monsurrò (COELMO), Chairman of Generazione Distribuita. “The concept of energy transition has an important implication: the transition of the energy carrier in production processes, as well as in domestic use, from fossil fuels to electricity. If you were to design a production line today, you would not do so with gas in mind, but exclusively with electricity. It is therefore clear that in this scenario of changing production paradigm, the genset becomes a crucial element, as it can be said that there is no energy transition without the genset”.


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