Samoter Day. The right anticipation for 2020 in a great location: Verona

The fifth edition of Samoter Day, that took place on March 26th, was the right occasion to establish strong relations with earthmoving OEMs in an emblematic location such as the Italian Verona. This year’s event was the right anticipation for the 31st edition of Samoter which will take place in the same important location from 21 to 25 March 2020.

The meeting was also the occasion to present the annual report on the world market of earth-moving machinery. Analysis of the market trend and the prospects for the construction sector for the next two years have been illustrated by Prometeia.

A sign of change

Samoter, as pointed out by Maurizio Danese, president of Verona Fiere, represents the history of the Italian changes within the construction industry. Born in 1964 as a spin off of the historic Agricultural Fair, in the last edition (February 2017) it registered the awakening of the construction world after the 2007 crisis, registering 84,000 professional visitors.

samoter day 2019 verona

Enrico Prandini, President of CECE (Committee for the European Construction Equipment) highlighted how in 2020 Samoter will represent the possibility for the industry to “return to the top”. With a fair that is going to change traditional models and is made for the customers of the sector. Not for exhibitors or for the organizing body. A return to the origins that on one hand promotes the excellence of Italian and international builders. And, on the other, it focuses on the creation of the right dynamic network between market and operators. In this regard, Riccardo Viaggi, Secretary General of the CECE, presenting the Association, underlined the importance of an European industrial policy strategy. That can harmonize the national markets in a community perspective that promotes the business of all, while also respecting the common rules.

Talk Show with companies

A talk show with companies took place during Samoter Day. To which important names such as Marco Villa (CGT Caterpillar), Antonio Strati ( CASE Construction Equipment – CNH Industrial) and Marco Ferroni (Kobelco Construction Machinery) took part.

The strong commitment of all to invest in digitalization in favor of the construction site has emerged, which is essential to promote machine efficiency and to reduce management costs.

Next 19 October there will be another edition of Samoter Day and, in January 2020, the Pre Samoter event will take place. An event that will anticipate the news that exhibitors will present at the main event in March 2020.



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