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FPT Industrial: let’s go, XC13

The XC13 surely sounds agnostic in FPT Industrial’s unofficial nomenclature; it comes, indeed, with a tripartite certification: Euro 6E (winking an eye at the upcoming Euro 7), methane gas and also biofuel, with a link to hydrogen. Andrea Abbà, FPT’s product marketing manager, told us about dialogui...



HDgas. In Turin the final event

HDgas, in Turin, the curtain falls on the experience that over the last three years has radiographed the state of the art and the prospects of LNG. The full title of the project is ‘Heavy duty gas engines integrated into vehicles‘. HDGas. Iveco, Man, Volvo Technical evidence of liquefied...

Iveco goes to Japan with LNG

Iveco, in Japan with Stralis NP 400 and Daily Iveco exports its know-how on natural gas in the Japanese transport sector. Japan has traditionally been a land practically inaccessible for foreign competitors. Instead, Iveco has found a way to reverse this trend. The Italian company presented the late...

Shaman, the new all-terrain vehicle from Wamah

Shaman’s off-road soul… Shaman is the evocative name that Wamah gave to its brand new all-terrain vehicle. The unique design is due to the fact that it was created from scratch. The target of this project was a vehicle capable of providing power on land, as well as lightness on water. Bu...
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