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Bimotor: what if Stage V was the answer?

Bimotor tested two FPT Industrial engines in Venice with PEMS, one Stage V, the other non-compliant. Stage V engine significantly cut emissions. “Nobody here is against electrification, but what can you do then? Should you double the fleet and halve navigation times to electrify all the boats?”. Rea...


stage v

Kubota, Tonegawa and free market

Kubota and Tonegawa. Vice President Business Unit Engine ​Europe, Tony Tonegawa has a mission: enhancing the presence of Kubota among European Oems. With its 3.3 and 3.8 liters engines, Kubota is specialized in compact and ultracompact segment, and it invests in Oems areas such as specialized tracto...

Giorgio Paris. Volvo Penta is growing fast

Giorgio Paris, Volvo Penta Segment Head Industrial and President Region Emea & Apac told us about Volvo Penta’s industrial engines. Market has a growth rate in double digits, but also marine applications are improving rapidly, tells us Giorgio Paris. The target is top displacement engines,...
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